Friday, June 24, 2005


Sometimes we create problems for ourselves. We set ourselves up for disappointment with unrealistic expectations. We live for the future instead of right now. We don't know what's important in our lives so we let others tell us what is. We are miserable in the process. I can't seem to get out of my head sometimes and realize what's good about the world around me. When I am able to, I know there's so much to be thankful for and then I'm good to go for awhile. Then the devil steps in and I'm all lost again. This seems to be an endless, vicious cycle. I know on some level always that things are good in my life and then, all of a sudden, I get sad. I've been thinking about the 97 Flood in Grand Forks lately cause I read the book, Red River Rising, by A. Shelby and I've been thinking about how much lives were changed, and not changed, by that event. This book talks about the anger of citizens and distrust of government created by peoples' loss of homes and property. When I think about it, some people, it seems, didn't learn that things in their life are just that: things. I have no idea what it was like to go through the flood, but it saddens me to hear about so many people clinging desperately to that which doesn't bring life: physical possessions.

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